How to enable tax and set tax rates for a merchant.

How to enable and set taxes for a merchant. The application allows merchants to handle multiple taxes and tax rates on products and services

How to enable and set taxes for a merchant.


  1.  Go to your merchant settings in your dashboard .
  2.  Go to taxes
  3. Enable tax
  4.  if you want tax to be calculated on your service fee enable the tax on your service fee.
  5.  if you want texts on your delivery fee calculated enable the text on delivery fee
  6.  if you want text to be calculated on your packaging and enable the tax on packaging fee
  7.  enable multiple tax rates
  8.  select the tax rate for delivery service and packaging fees
  9.  by default we have set some taxes in the merchants page but you can always add new tax rate if tax changes are required by law.  make sure you update the products afterwards when you add a new tax rate

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